3 mins read

Stomach Pains in Children

Stomach pain is an exceedingly common medical complaint among young children. Because of the overly common nature of this complaint, identifying the cause of and dealing with stomach pain often proves challenging. Depending upon the nature and severity of your child’s stomach pains, the cause could range from something serious to something that is completely in his head.

1 min read

BRAT Feel Better Drink

My little one loves to drink milk! But when she got the stomach flu last month, her little tummy couldn’t handle her favorite dairy drink. BRAT Feel Better Drinks were perfect for soothing my little one’s tummy. These all organic drinks are formulated with ingredients that settle an upset stomach and help to calm vomiting & diarrhea while also naturally restoring electrolytes and nutrients.

1 min read

Preggie Pops

An amazing natural alternative to combating the symptoms of morning sickness! These great-tasting and effective lollipops help provide relief for queesiness and upset stomach. And I love that they are made with all natural ingredients, so it’s safe for you and your baby.

3 mins read

Does Pregnancy Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?

Several pregnancy symptoms do indeed mimic flu symptoms, especially early in the first trimester. In fact, your first signs of pregnancy may be feelings of the never-ending flu. Flu symptoms should not last more than a couple of weeks. If you have these symptoms and there is a chance you could be pregnant, consider taking a pregnancy test to be sure.