2 mins read

How to Trace a Family History

As your children reach grade school, sooner or later they are going to come home with an assignment to write about their family tree. Instead of cringing and looking for the nearest closet to hide in, use this homework assignment as an opportunity to introduce them to the generations that are their heritage. By tracing your family history and learning the stories of your ancestry, you can make this an enjoyable project for both your children and yourself, and–in the process–keep alive the memory of those who came before you.

3 mins read

Indian Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Indian home hair loss treatments are based on the principles of Ayurveda. The National Center for Alternative and Complementary and Alternative (NCCAM) medicine describes Ayurveda as a holistic medicine based on ancient principles in India, designed to balance the body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda treats the whole body, instead of just the scalp for hair loss, on the basis that hair loss is a symptom of a larger health problem. Modern western medicine does not accept the Ayurveda-based hair loss treatments as effective, but Ayurveda is commonly practiced in India. The thick locks of hair so common in those of Indian ancestry make the idea of pampering yourself with Indian home hair loss treatments quite desirable.