8 mins read

“We Need To Talk About Your Son”

I have a No Eggshells policy with my closest friends. We dont tiptoe around issues or sweep things under the proverbial rug. When theres an issue, we address it. When theres conflict, we resolve.The older I get, the more I appreciate this kind of frankness, which from my experience, is one mark of an authentic friendship. I need someone with whom I can be myself – who can laugh with me til …

6 mins read

Daughters In Danger

I have two teenage daughters. I was a teenage girl myself once. So anorexia is not a foreign concept to me.Especially because the summer before I went to Harvard, I lost 40 pounds myself. I spent my freshman year gaining the weight back, which was hard enough (think 1,600 classmates watching you change a pants size every month). But the really steep climb to mental health was admitting I had almost killed myself …

5 mins read

Mommy, Does This Make Me Look Fat?

I have sons, which shields me from some of the oddities of the young female set. Not to say that boys dont have their own sets of peculiarities. But as the mother of boys, there are a few things I just dont have to deal with. I know, Im a girl, but there are some things Im glad I dont have to deal with. For instance, boys generally dont have to change into new outfits several times a day.