5 mins read

Stop Making Moms Look Bad: My Open Letter to Janine Kovac

For someone whos a so-called mommy blogger, I dont read a lot of mommy blogs. I probably should. Its probably something other mommy bloggers do, in order to keep current, to stay on top of whats going on in the blogosphere. But a) I dont really have time, and b) I find that, for me, it feels more authentic to just write about my own life, rather than trying to manufacture something based on whatever happens to be trending at the moment.

2 mins read

Is Having Sex When Pregnant Good or Bad?

Pregnant women often wonder if having sex can affect pregnancy. In deciding whether to have sex while you are expecting, consider a number of factors including your stage of pregnancy, existing health factors and the type of sex you enjoy. Certain symptoms during pregnancy require forgoing sex and may even necessitate an immediate trip to your doctor’s office.

2 mins read

Reasons for Bad Breath in Kids

If you’ve ever leaned in to give your child a hug or kiss after dinner and smelled an unpleasant scent, you know that children can get bad breath just as adults can. While most cases of bad breath in children result from improper oral hygiene, chronic conditions or illness can also cause halitosis.

3 mins read

Cures for Bad Breath in Children

Everyone’s breath smells unpleasant from time to time, particularly early in the morning or after eating foods such as onions and garlic. If you notice that your child’s breath smells bad throughout the day, you may need to take a few steps to improve his oral hygiene. In some cases, your child will need treatment for an underlying condition to improve his halitosis, or bad breath.