5 mins read

How Much Do Surrogate Mothers Get Paid?

Agreeing to become a surrogate mother means giving up approximately 10 months of your life to become pregnant, go through gestation, labor and delivery, and then give the baby to others who will become his parents. It is a life-changing experience for which the surrogate is compensated. Fees vary for different agencies, but in general all expenses for the pregnancy are paid, as well as a fee to the surrogate mother. Becoming a Surrogate

3 mins read

Best Stomach Slimming Creams

Exercising, eating right and being born with good genes are the keys to a flat stomach. But what about hydration? Can a moisturizing cream actually tone your stomach? According to Dr. Ava Shamban, an assistant professor of dermatology at UCLA, anti-cellulite cream is a temporary solution for cellulite reduction. Stomach slimming creams smooth the skin and help get rid of fat’s cottage cheese-like look. Of course, some creams work better than others. An effective stomach slimming cream doesn’t have to be expensive to be popular; it just has to be made sincerely by a company that believes in its products more than it believes in taking people’s money. A quality cream should contain antioxidants and other key botanicals.

2 mins read

Side Effects of Too Much Protein in Your Diet

Protein is an essential part of the diet, necessary for supplying amino acids and building healthy muscles. Athletes often consume high levels of protein to help their bodies build more muscles quickly, and low-carb, high-protein diets have become popular as a means of losing fat. However, though protein is necessary, too much protein can result in more health problems, most of which begin in the kidney as it works overtime to eliminate the leftovers from all that protein.