1 min read

Effects of Cholesterol Medicine

For people with high cholesterol, cholesterol-lowering medications such as statins, resins or fibrates can be a literal lifesaver: Elevated cholesterol levels are directly correlated to an increased risk of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and stroke. However, the cholesterol medication used to bring cholesterol levels under control isn’t always without unpleasant side effects.

3 mins read

Excessive Weight Loss After Pregnancy

While many women may struggle to lose weight and regain their pre-pregnancy shape, other new mothers may shed pounds quickly. The rate at which you lose your pregnancy weight can affect your health and the health of your breastfeeding baby. Very rapid weight loss may signal the presence of postpartum depression, or baby blues. Notify your doctor if you experience any unusual postpartum symptoms such as excessive weight loss, loss of appetite or frequent crying spells.

8 mins read

Ovarian Aging and Infertility

The decrease in female fecundity beginning after the age of 30 and exaggerated after 40 is a well documented finding. This age-related decline in fertility is the result of several factors that contribute to overall reproductive failure. Women over 35 require a longer period to achieve conception than younger women, and a higher percentage of older women will never achieve pregnancy. In addition, the rate of early pregnancy wastage increases substantially during the 30s, and is over 50% after age 40.

2 mins read

Health Risks for Teen Pregnancy

If you’re a teenager or have a teenage daughter, you may be coming to grips with an unexpected statistic: According to Kids Health, over one million teenage girls give birth each year in the United States. While most teens carry their babies to full term without problems, the Mayo Clinic website notes certain health risks that are more prevalent in teen pregnancy and even higher for teens under the age of 15. If you have or are a teen who thinks she might be pregnant, she must receive prenatal care as soon as possible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

3 mins read

Risks for Older Pregnant Mothers

Although delaying pregnancy until you are older may be a good idea for security and financial reasons, it may also carry considerable health risks to you and the baby. It is known in the obstetrical field that mothers who are over the age of 35 are considered to be of advanced maternal age. While the risks for some conditions become higher as you get older, most older women are still delivering healthy babies.