4 mins read

Let’s Craft: How to Make a Succulent Wall

Let’s Craftis a special feature full of great crafts, inspiration and DIY projects that are perfect for any Modern Mom! This project comes from, Jessica Begum, the crafty momma behind the blog Hipster’s Tea Party: “I am seeing some amazing vertical succulent gardens out there, and was inspired to make my own. It’s a fairly simple process but does take some time and TLC.

3 mins read

The Best Hand Lotion for Dry Hands

The cure for chapped, dry hands can seem out of reach, especially during cold, windy seasons or in arid climates. It’s easy to assume that the holy grail of hand lotions is somewhere among the many bottles, jars and tubes that populate the drugstore aisles. However, more important than the packaging, price and brand name are the ingredients your product contains — and how frequently you use it.

3 mins read

How to Compost

Composting kitchen waste and organic materials in your own compost bin helps to reduce the amount of waste taking up space in landfills. It is possible to reduce your household trash that is hauled off to the landfill by as much as 30 percent. The composted material can then be entered back into a natural cycle, as a nutrient-rich and natural fertilizer for the yard or a home garden. Composting can also be used as an educational tool when teaching kids about environmental science and the importance of reusing and recycling, not discarding waste.