3 mins read

How to Deal With a Fussy Baby

Babies bring such joy to a household. Even though they bring their gurgling noises, laughter and fascination with the world around them, they can also pack a great deal of unpleasant noise, such as crying. Each baby has his own little personality. It’s often unpredictable, and it can range from happy to fussy with little to no notice. A fussy baby can cause havoc whether in public or at home. Keep your baby happy–and yourself sane–by learning ways to deal with your fussy baby.

3 mins read

Why Is My Baby So Fussy?

While moms live for the smiles their babies send their way, all too often, these periods of happiness are interrupted by fussiness. If your baby seems to be a bit more cranky than most, there could be a host of issues at the root of this problem. By working to determine why yours isn’t the happiest baby in the world, you’ll be able to respond more effectively to his fussing and potentially reduce the periods of whining and crying.

4 mins read

When Should You Give a Pacifier to a Baby?

Giving your baby a pacifier is a personal decision. Most experts agree that pacifiers can be helpful during the first six months of life as it satisfies your baby’s natural instinct to suck. However, there are no definite guidelines about when to give a pacifier or take one away. Sometimes, it is best to just use your mothering instinct to decide if a pacifier is right for your baby, regardless of his age.