2 mins read

Foods That Cause Acne Breakouts

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. It afflicts up to 50 million Americans each year, including approximately 85 percent of the teen population, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The unsightly pimples, nodules, cysts and scars that may accompany an acne breakout usually don’t qualify as a serious health issue, but they can cause significant emotional and psychological distress. Many myths surround acne, including the idea that some foods can cause it.

2 mins read

Healthy Foods to Eat for Teens

Many of the foods that teens turn to when their stomachs start to rumble aren’t the healthiest. Instead of allowing your teen to tend to his hunger with junk foods, encourage him to fill his stomach with healthier options. By doing so, you can likely decrease his risks of becoming one of the many teens who struggles with weight and help him build healthy eating habits that will guide him throughout his life.

3 mins read

Fast Foods That Are Nutritious

Fast food is a popular choice for busy moms as they can quickly pick up dinner while shuttling their kids around town or heading home from a long day’s work. While some fast foods are a nutritional nightmare, this is not universally the case. By ordering carefully and considering the potential health benefits of many fast food options, you can make your grab-and-go dinner just as nutritious as the one that you would have prepared at home.

2 mins read

Foods to Avoid for Acne

Acne is the chronic appearance of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or other plugged or infected oil glands, most often occurring on the face. Although food has long been named a culprit of acne, the Mayo Clinic maintains that it is not likely the main cause. Plugged hair follicles are the cause. However, depending on the individual, some foods may irritate acne conditions already present on your face or body.