3 mins read

Teen Heroin Abuse

Heroin is one of the many drugs that teens run the risk of coming into contact with. This highly addictive drug is a derivative of morphine. It impacts the brain’s pleasure centers and reduces the user’s ability to feel pain. Because of this pleasure center connection, many teens find falling into the pattern of heroin abuse to be quite easy. Escaping heroin’s clutches can be exceedingly difficult also.

3 mins read

Why Does Smoking Affect Your Eggs?

Study after study has shown the adverse effects that cigarette smoking has on a woman’s reproductive system. Especially at risk are the fragile egg cells inside a woman’s ovaries known as oocytes. The chemicals found in cigarette smoke can mutate the DNA of these egg cells, leading to reproductive and fertility problems. Besides nicotine, a highly addictive chemical, cigarette smoke contains a number of other dangerous and poisonous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, cyanide and arsenic.

2 mins read

The Risks of Caffeine for Teens

Many Americans today might claim that they need their caffeinated beverage of choice to simply get through the day. With work, kids, appointments, and chores, many adults have adapted the proper amount of caffeine into their schedule to help them meet increasing responsibilities throughout the day. However, what happens when teens start drinking substantial amounts of caffeine? Are their growing bodies and minds fit to consume caffeine without knowing the full effects of the drug?

4 mins read

Which Diet Pills Work Best?

Nonprescription diet pills certainly aren’t lacking when it comes to allure. Slick advertising techniques and impressive packaging are designed to have you believe that somewhere on the shelves of your local drug store a magic bullet exists for weight loss. The truth about most over-the-counter diet pills isn’t too impressive, medical experts at the Mayo Clinic say. Many diet pills don’t have the science behind them to back up marketing claims–and some may be downright dangerous.