2 mins read

Homeopathic Asthma Relief

Asthma medications often come with risk, and some asthma patients prefer to search for alternative ways to relieve their asthma symptoms. Homeopathic asthma treatments, while not always accepted by mainstream doctors, have been shown in several studies to be effective in reducing asthma symptoms. While it is always important to consult with your doctor before changing the way you treat your asthma, it is smart to be aware of what your treatment options are so you can take charge of your health.

3 mins read

Homeopathic Remedies for an Ear Infection

Ear infections are a common ailment and frustration for many infants, toddlers and children. As their delicate ears, especially the Eustachian tubes, develop and grow, they are sometimes not the most perfectly draining organs. At times, this leads to a little back-up and infection. If your child frequently or occasionally suffers ear infections, have some home remedies on hand to control the pain and discomfort. Be sure to ask your doctor before using them.

2 mins read

Natural Honey for Allergies

Sniffling, sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose — ah, the joys of seasonal allergies. While Americans spent over $11 billion in 2005 in an effort to control allergy symptoms, some holistic and homeopathic practitioners suggest relief could be as close as the nearest beehive. Anecdotal evidence suggests that eating honey may help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, but some dangers are associated with eating honey, according to Samuel Welch of the University of Arkansas for Medical Science.