2 mins read

Were You Born on Leap Day? Learn All About “Leaplings!”

Imagine celebrating your Sweet Sixteen at the age of 64? Or having to use a fake birthday for online forms because the computer won’t accept your actual day of birth? This is the reality for many people born on February 29 – a date that comes along only once every four years. Called “leapers” or “leaplings,” these are individuals who were born on the extra day in February that happens in a leap year.

6 mins read

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Infants

Diabetes can affect individuals of any age, including infants and children. Knowing that your baby has diabetes can be really frightening. But by learning how to perform glucose testing and give insulin, you can help your child to grow up healthy. The first thing you need to do, though, is to keep your own stress level down. Your baby can sense if you feel anxious, so it is up to you to be as brave as your little one.

2 mins read

Hair Lice in Children

The next time your child brings home a letter from school detailing the latest lice infestation, don’t panic. Common parasites, head lice infest the scalps of millions of children every year. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, children between the ages of 3 and 11 years account for six to 12 million cases of head lice infestations annually. These small insects can spread throughout schools and households.

3 mins read

The Autism Vaccination Debate

The Autism Vaccination Debate I have discussed my views before about vaccines and autism. I do not believe vaccines cause autism. Study after study has dis-proved any link between vaccinations and autism. Additionally, I also believe that not vaccinating your child(ren) will have very dangerous consequences for the health of the general public of our…