3 mins read

Ensure Nutritional Drink Information

“Listen up!” exclaims an animated bottle of Ensure Nutrition Shake in a 2010 television ad. “I’m here to get the lady of the house back on her feet.” The Nutrition In Charge ad campaign suggests that Ensure nutrition drinks can help put you on the path to healthier eating and better nutrition, but it may leave you wondering about the ingredients in Ensure drinks and how they can fit into a healthy, nutritious diet.

3 mins read

Contraceptive Foam Information

It’s bad enough when your favorite brand of ice cream goes off the market. It’s even worse if that happens with something as personal as your birth control device. Many women’s chosen birth control method is contraceptive foam. Back in 1995, a marketing decision took its toll on women who used the Today Sponge, an over-the-counter birth control product, used by women since 1983. The Today Sponge went off the market for four years, and legend had it, according to CNN, that women who used the sponge started hoarding them when the devices became scarce and would only use one if it was really going to be worth it.

3 mins read

Information on Teen Pregnancy

According to Women’s Health Channel, approximately 33 percent of teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years old become pregnant each year in the United States. Of those pregnancies, 80 percent are unplanned. Despite the decline in teen pregnancy from 1991 to 2005, the rate actually increased by 3 percent between 2006 and 2007. Currently, Hispanic girls make up the highest percentage of teenage mothers with the most significant decline occurring in African-American girls.