5 mins read

Gone too far? The crazy (and sometimes unhealthy) things celebrities do to lose weight and get in shape

Numerous celebrities will admit to the pressure of maintaining seemingly trim figures. After the world saw Oprah shrink, expand, shrink, expand, and then finally say, "I'm never dieting again," we had front row seats for what it must be like to feel constantly judged for your appearance. For various reasons, here are some of the…

2 mins read

Adrenal Fatigue in Kids

While certain symptoms your child experiences may provide clues for a simple and quick diagnosis, vague symptoms can be harder for you to identify. Although you may have heard about individuals having an illness called adrenal fatigue, MayoClinic.com advises that the term adrenal fatigue is not a true medical diagnosis. Instead, it is a term that some health books and alternative medicine practitioners use to describe a group of nonspecific symptoms.