1 min read

Types of Over-the-Counter Birth Control

If you have not made it to the doctor yet, or simply prefer to avoid the doctor, there are some contraceptive choices available over-the-counter (OTC) at your local drugstore, grocery store or discount store. OTC birth control is affordable, accessible and effective, if it is used correctly. Both barrier methods and chemical contraceptive options are easily purchased without a prescription.

4 mins read

Over-the-Counter Medicine for Menopause

Hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, relaxation of the pelvic muscles and hair growth where you don’t want it and hair thinning where you do. If that litany doesn’t make you want to scream, it will surely have you running to your nearest pharmacy for some help. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are available for menopausal women. Just make sure you know what’s what.

3 mins read

Best OTC Acne Products for Teen Males

Acne is an unfortunate part of puberty for many teenage males. Even though most people get a pimple now and then, your teenage son may find his acne to be embarrassing, particularly if it is all over his face and not just a blemish here and there. Help your teenager deal with his acne by giving him over-the-counter products that work to fight pimples and clear the skin. If OTC treatments don’t improve his acne within a few months, take him to see a doctor.