4 mins read

Why Our Daughters Need To Play More Video Games

Girls today are steering away from math, science and computers in record numbers.According to the U.S. Department of Education, the percentage of women graduates in computer science is at a 39-year low. In 2012, women in the U.S. earned only 19% of all math and computer science degrees (compared to 37% 20 years ago) and made up less than 25% of the workers in engineering and computer-related fields. Fewer than 10 percent …

4 mins read

Mac Games for Kids in Preschool

Playing computer games is an activity that your preschooler will enjoy. It also helps in your child’s learning development. Research published by the University of Rochester states that playing computer games could enhance a student’s selective attention. Preschoolers playing computer games can take advantage of the educational content presented in a playful way that makes learning attractive and fun. If you are a Mac family, you’ll find preschool computer games that are compatible with your Mac.

3 mins read

The Best Family Video Games

To say that kids like to play video games is like saying men like to have the remote control or that women like diamonds. It’s a given. The Kaiser Family Foundation website reported in 2002 that 92 percent of kids aged 2 to 17 play video games and spend an average of about an hour a day doing so. As a parent, you probably want to make sure your child is playing family video games.

7 mins read

Teen Talk

Calling all teens! We're excited to share a contributor volunteer opportunity at modernmom.com with you!Teens! Share to help others just like you! Are you passionate about writing or other forms of creative content creation (video, recipes, photos, or something else!) and eager to express your thoughts, opinions, and important perspectives on topics that matter to…