2 mins read

Best Anti-Aging Products

Picking an anti-aging product can be a daunting task, what with all the options on the market. In order to get the most bang for your buck, look for a product that helps stimulate skin cell renewal, eliminates dark under-eye circles and helps reverse the signs of aging while causing skin to look radiant. Some products do this topically, while others claim to restore the skin’s appearance from the inside out.

3 mins read

Why Does Smoking Affect Your Eggs?

Study after study has shown the adverse effects that cigarette smoking has on a woman’s reproductive system. Especially at risk are the fragile egg cells inside a woman’s ovaries known as oocytes. The chemicals found in cigarette smoke can mutate the DNA of these egg cells, leading to reproductive and fertility problems. Besides nicotine, a highly addictive chemical, cigarette smoke contains a number of other dangerous and poisonous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, cyanide and arsenic.

3 mins read

Medical Benefits of Drinking Red Wine

In recent years, red wine has been assigned such health benefits as protecting us against heart disease and cancer. Still, many studies show no difference in red wine versus other alcohol containing beverages—such as beer, white wine or liquor—when considering their health benefits. The Mayo Clinic does report that something in red wine seems to be beneficial to heart health. They just aren’t sure exactly what it is that provides the health benefits.