3 mins read

Divorce & IRA Accounts

During the course of a divorce, any assets you and your spouse had will need to be divided. With the help of your lawyers or a mediator, you will decide who gets what property, how to divide your savings and how to divvy up the retirement accounts. Splitting up the 401(k)s and the IRAs is a bit trickier than simply dividing a regular savings account.

7 mins read

Ten Financial Tips for Women Seriously Considering Divorce

1. Get informed. In order to have an idea of where you stand financially after divorce you need to figure out your financial status as a married couple. Gather all of the documents pertaining to your assets and liabilities. Each current account statement, whether it’s reporting the mortgage balance, credit card balance, Individual Retirement Account value, student loan, etc.

2 mins read

IRA vs 401k

There’s no doubt that you need to save your money for retirement, but you may wonder whether it’s better to save your money in a 401k plan or in a Individual Retirement Account. Each type of savings plan has different advantages and disadvantages. The key is to think about what’s important to you and invest accordingly.

2 mins read

Ways to Create an IRA

Starting an individual retirement account can seem like a daunting task; however, if you have money to invest and want to save for retirement, it is a viable option. Understanding the difference in the three ways to start an IRA can help you choose the option that is best for you.

3 mins read

How to Find Out If It Is Too Late to Get Pregnant?

Many women wait to start families until they get their careers firmly established. They opt to buy a house, get a retirement account started and take a few carefree vacations before moving into mommy mode, but when they finally decide they are ready, they worry that they may have waited too long. Knowing the indicators of when you may be too old to conceive can help alleviate your concerns.