3 mins read

Signs of Allergies to Infant Formula

If you introduce infant formula to your baby, you’ll probably want to be on the alert for signs of an allergy, especially if allergies run in your–or the baby’s father’s–family. Most infant formula includes cow’s milk or soy products in the ingredients. In cases of infant formula allergies, cow’s milk protein is the most common allergen. Still, allergies to formula are not all that common; according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, less than 3% of babies in the United States have an allergy to milk protein. Since half of the babies who are sensitive to cow’s milk protein also turn out to react badly to soy, soy-based formula is not necessarily the solution if your baby does turn out to have a dairy allergy. Check with your baby’s physician before switching to a hypoallegenic formula. It may reassure you to know that there’s good chance your baby will outgrow an allergy to infant formula within a few years.

3 mins read

Trouble Breathing While Pregnant

Pregnancy brings many changes to your body. Your clothes will no longer fit. You may need afternoon naps and as the pregnancy progresses, you will periodically have trouble breathing. Three out of four pregnant women report trouble breathing. There are several reasons for shortness of breath during pregnancy. Understanding what they are and what to do about it will put your mind at ease.

2 mins read

Anemia Symptoms in Pregnancy

Half of pregnant women develop iron-deficiency anemia, reports the MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Anemia during pregnancy can cause problems, such as low-birth weight, reduced amniotic fluid and premature delivery. Because many of the symptoms of anemia also mimic symptoms of pregnancy, it can prove difficult to identify. Small differences in the symptoms, however, will help you identify whether you have anemia.

3 mins read

Pregnancy and Fertility Drugs

Fertility drugs can increase your odds of getting pregnant. Use of these oral or injectable medications may be beneficial when you have an ovulation disorder. However, MayoClinic.com and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, both indicate that sometimes fertility drugs may require complementary therapies to yield success.

3 mins read

Breathing Difficulties in Children

While taking a breath should be simple, some children struggle with difficulties that make taking in air more challenging. If your child seems to be exhibiting difficulty breathing, an assortment of causes could be at the root of this struggle. By exploring the potential breath-related challenges with which your child is dealing, you can more effectively help him overcome this struggle.