3 mins read

Recurring Cough in Children

It’s normal for children to cough once in a while, but a recurring cough can be alarming for both you and your child. Recurring coughs are defined as those that last for a long time or return again and again, according to DrPaul.com. Recurring coughs are a symptom, which means they have an underlying cause. The key to stopping the coughing is to find and treat the cause.

3 mins read

Depression in Pregnancy

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 13 percent of pregnant women suffer from depression, a serious illness that is not likely to improve without treatment. Research has shown that untreated depression during pregnancy can increase the risk of preeclampsia, a type of high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy, poor weight gain, as well as the use of drugs or alcohol to self-medicate and, even, suicide.

2 mins read

About Microdermabrasion

The cost of face lifts, injections and chemical peels can be prohibitive, so more women and men are turning to microdermabrasion as a means of improving their appearances. In addition to being more affordable than plastic surgery, microdermabrasion is among the least invasive dermatological processes.

2 mins read

Does the Pill Affect Mood or Libido?

While birth control pills have revolutionized women’s sexuality, they are not without side effects. Most people are well aware that birth control pills may cause weight gain, nausea and even blood clots. Women may be less aware of less obvious and equally troubling potential side effects of the pill, including depression and loss of libido. Alternatively, some women may find they feel better and have a higher libido while on hormonal contraception. Each woman may react differently to hormonal contraceptives, and one pill may cause fewer side effects than another.