3 mins read

Pregnancy and Fertility Drugs

Fertility drugs can increase your odds of getting pregnant. Use of these oral or injectable medications may be beneficial when you have an ovulation disorder. However, MayoClinic.com and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, both indicate that sometimes fertility drugs may require complementary therapies to yield success.

3 mins read

How Many Women Are Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Each Year?

Breast cancer is a catchall phrase for a number of different types of cancer of the breast, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The type of breast cancer that develops is dependent upon the type of cells within the breast that develop into cancer cells. Breast cancer is the second most prevalent form of cancer among women in the United States, exceeded only by nonmelanoma skin cancer.

4 mins read

Should Buffers Be Used to Remove Facial Hair?

Almost as big a problem as facial hair is finding the right way to remove it. Buffing away hair offers an inexpensive solution. In fact, during World War II, women resorted to using sandpaper to buff hair off of their legs due to the shortage of razor blades. Buffing away facial hair can work in theory and in practice — but you may want to consider that this method can be painful when applied to such a sensitive part of your body.

3 mins read

Early Hair Loss in Women

Unlike men, who usually begin to lose their hair as they get older, women who suffer from hair loss can begin to see some loss in their mid-20s, depending on the type and cause of the loss. In some cases, the hair may regrow on its own, or a woman may need to take medicine or apply special ointments to help the hair come back.

3 mins read

Severe Teenage Acne

While every teenager may get a pimple from time to time, some teenagers suffer with severe forms of acne such as cystic acne, which can be embarrassing and can damage their self-esteem. If your teenager has severe acne, be a supportive presence and educate him on the ways to treat it. If necessary, take him to the doctor.