2 mins read

Night Sweats During Pregnancy

Most new mothers know that they will not get much sleep due to the needs of a newborn, but sleep problems can start even before the baby is born. Pregnant woman may have a hard time getting comfortable at night, or may need to get up to use the bathroom several times in one evening. Many expectant mothers also suffer from night sweats during the duration of their pregnancies.

7 mins read

Night Frights: 10 Ways to Help Kids With Nightmares

What do you do when your little one has scary dreams? There are two issues to examine when trying to help a child who’s suffering from nightmares: What to do during the nightmare, or just after the child awakens from one What to do in the child’s daily life, before and after sleeptime, to help keep the bad dreams away. Another way to say this is: there’s crisis management and then there’s crisis prevention. First, let’s talk about how to manage a child’s nightmare in the moment. 1. First, what NOT to do.

4 mins read

Night Chills & Fever

During challenging physical conditions and situations, the body undergoes temperature changes. For instance, the body shows signs and symptoms that trigger the natural body defenses against dreaded diseases. Chills often predict the coming of a fever or an increase in body temperature. The body tries to generate heat when it feels cold through rapid contraction and relaxation that can cause chills. When fever manifests, the body’s temperatures reaches one or two notches higher than 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and may indicate an infection or illness.

3 mins read

Night Terrors in Children

Night terrors, a rare sleep disorder seen in children, are much more than ordinary nightmares. During a night terror, a parent is not usually able to calm the child. In fact, it is difficult to awaken a child who is suffering from night terrors. While night terrors are frightening to the parents, they do not pose a health threat to the child. Most children do not even remember the episode when they wake up the next morning.

3 mins read

Can Morning Sickness Occur at Night?

Pregnant women are said to have a “glow” about them. While this is usually meant as a compliment, some newly pregnant moms might feel more green around the gills than glowing with good health. Morning sickness is a term used to describe a group of symptoms usually associated with early pregnancy. Up to 90 percent of pregnant women suffer from nausea, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, and some suffer from more serious symptoms as well.