4 mins read

The Pancake Pen Makes Breakfast Extra Fun

Offering pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouses face at restaurants is a brilliant marketing ploy. I know this because I have kids, and my young boys somehow gloss over everything else on the menu to fixate solely on the Mickey Mouse pancake option. And although its only one pancake (and its on a menu that offers multiple servings of pancakes!), they opt for that specific one with the ears. Why? Not the taste. Not the price. Not even the generous layer of whipped cream.

10 mins read

Two-Time Olympian Balances Training and Twins

Julie Swail (Ertel) seems to do things in pairs: competes in two Olympic Games, excels in two different sports, and then gives birth to twins. Only a true athlete could tackle all that, and Julie does it like a champ. She was the captain of the 2000 USA Womens Olympic Water Polo team and took home the Silver medal in Sydney. Eight years later, she was once again competing in the Summer Olympics, but this time in Bejing and in the sport of triathlon.

10 mins read

“Laughing Baby” Mom Shares Viral Video Secrets

Hes been called the Laughing Baby in the media. On YouTube, his video is appropriately titled Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper, and in just two months, its attracted over 16 million views. To define it best in web slang: His video has gone viral. Its catapulted a 10-month-old boy to a type of celebrity status, plucking a small family from St. Louis, Missouri, and plopping them down on the couch of televisions The Today Show.