2 mins read

How to Give an Allergy Shot

Allergy shots contain epinephrine and are used in cases of emergency when you or your child has an extreme allergic reaction. Using an allergy shot can prevent you from going into anaphylactic shock or losing your ability to breathe due to a swollen airway. Without them, you may not have time to get to a hospital before your reaction becomes fatal. They’re designed to be used safely by people with no medical training, as long as you follow the exact instructions. Once you administer the allergy shot, seek medical help immediately.

4 mins read

Is Exercise During Pregnancy Safe?

A regular exercise program is not only safe during pregnancy, but it’s recommended as a healthy part of pregnancy self-care. Regular aerobic exercise and light strength training help keep your weight in check and ease some of your pregnancy symptoms by strengthening your muscles and relieving muscle tension. There are safety considerations to make sure you’re getting all the benefits and taking none of the potential risks.

2 mins read

Pubic Area Shaving Tips for Woman

Pubic shaving is part art, part science. If you just start down there with a razor, you could end up with razor bumps, ingrown hairs and painful nicks or cuts. Instead, you want to approach the task with the same knowledge as a spa hair removal technician. A few tips and tricks will get you that knowledge, along with the perfect bikini line.

2 mins read

How to Lose Back Fat for Women

If you are considering buying new bras because your back fat spills out over the top of your existing ones, it may also be time to consider a good self-care plan to help you lose those extra pounds. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to lose only back fat. The American Council on Exercise points out that weight loss is a full-body endeavor and that efforts to spot reduce don’t work. A few lifestyle changes should get you back into your old bras, bulge-free.

2 mins read

How to Reduce Breast Size for Women

Regardless of what the media may tell you, large breasts aren’t for every woman. They might look great in a bikini, but they can cause neck, back and shoulder problems that only get worse as you age. If you already had large breasts to begin with, there’s a chance that they became epic during and after your pregnancy. Some women’s breasts remain inflated for years after delivery, adding additional back strain. Starting a diet and exercise program can help reduce breast size. If that doesn’t work, you may need to see your doctor for more advanced interventions.