1 min read

How to Control the Appetite During Pregnancy

Most women know that when you’re pregnant you are eating for two, but sometimes your appetite may make it seem as though you’re hungry enough to feed an army. If you find yourself ravenous all the time and you’re starting to worry about too many extra pounds, you may be wondering how to control your appetite during the remaining weeks or months of your pregnancy. After all, pregnancy is not a free health pass for unlimited weight gain. Controlling your appetite can help you to keep your weight gain from becoming excessive.

2 mins read

How to Treat Swollen Feet And Ankles

Swollen feet and ankles is a condition called peripheral edema, or swelling of the extremities. The swelling is caused by excess fluid in body tissues, and you should contact your physician to check if there is an underlying medical condition that requires treatment, especially if the swelling persists. The swelling of feet and ankles is a common problem, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, especially for older people. Pregnancy can also be a factor in peripheral edema. Due to the effects of gravity, swelling can be particularly noticeable in lower parts of the body.

1 min read

How to Stop Pregnant Snoring

Pregnancy brings many physical changes, including the more obvious ones such as weight gain. Some physical changes can have unexpected effects, such as snoring. According to Barb Hicks, R.N., the physical changes that accompany pregnancy include hormonal changes, edema, which is swelling caused by excess fluid that is trapped in body tissues, increased blood volume and the aforementioned weight gain. Some weight gain is stored in tissues in the neck and throat area, which can constrict airways and result in snoring.

2 mins read

Recommended Toys for Autistic Children

Autism is a developmental disability. According to the Autism Society, it affects the functioning of the brain and typically appears within the first two years of life. In addition to being manifested in difficulties in both verbal and non-verbal communication, people with autism can have difficulties in social interactions and leisure or play activities. Because of the difficulties with play activities, choosing the right toy for an autistic child can mean making playtime less difficult and more enjoyable.

2 mins read

Gymnastics Exercises for Kids

Gymnastics is a sport that is ideal for kids; it offers equal opportunities for both boys and girls. Also, many kids, especially younger ones, seem naturally inclined to roll, tumble and somersault their way across gym floors and playgrounds. Monkey bars on playgrounds can provide the inspiration for gymnastics bar routines. Because almost all muscles are used in gymnastics routines, exercises designed to increase muscle strength help kids improve their gymnastics routines.