2 mins read

How to Test for Male Infertility

For many couples, starting a family is an easy process. They decide the time has come, they stop using birth control protection, and the woman becomes pregnant. For some couples, however, pregnancy does not occur. Determining why you and your partner are having trouble conceiving can be a complicated process that may leave you wondering if your partner has fertility problems. Several medical procedures can be used to determine if your male partner is infertile.

4 mins read

How to Stay Healthy Before Getting Pregnant

Prenatal health care is a given once you become pregnant. You will have doctor visits, prenatal vitamins and abstinence from alcohol and tobacco, but what about the months leading to the conception? Getting ready to start a family means more than buying a larger house and a sedan. It also means taking care of your body so that it is as healthy as possible when you start trying to conceive.

2 mins read

How to Ease Morning Sickness With Vitamin B6

The excitement of finding out you are expecting a baby can sometimes be overshadowed by nausea if you have significant morning sickness. Morning sickness can happen at any time throughout the day. It can last for several hours or last for days and weeks on end. Vitamin B6 can help reduce the impact that morning sickness has on your life and allow you to relax and start planning the nursery. Be sure to discuss with your doctor your decision to use vitamin B6.

3 mins read

How to Start Preschool Homeschooling

Whether you plan to homeschool your child all the way through school or simply want to prepare him for when he starts kindergarten, a well-rounded preschool home school program can set the stage for success. You can develop a preschool home schooling curriculum. Choosing the elements that will work best for your child and making it fun can help him develop a lifetime love of learning.

2 mins read

How to Lose Weight Fast After a Pregnancy

Immediately following the birth of your baby, your days were filled with sleeping, feeding and burping schedules. Once you settled your newborn into the family, however, you may have noticed a few extra pounds left over from the pregnancy. It can be discouraging to get out of your maternity clothes, only to discover that your pre-pregnancy outfits no longer fit. With some determination and effort, you can lose that post-pregnancy weight.