3 mins read

Can Morning Sickness Occur at Night?

Pregnant women are said to have a “glow” about them. While this is usually meant as a compliment, some newly pregnant moms might feel more green around the gills than glowing with good health. Morning sickness is a term used to describe a group of symptoms usually associated with early pregnancy. Up to 90 percent of pregnant women suffer from nausea, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, and some suffer from more serious symptoms as well.

2 mins read

Weight Loss From Breastfeeding

Most moms know that breastfeeding is best when it comes to feeding your baby. Not only does breast milk contain a host of beneficial nutrients and antibodies, according to the National Women’s Health Information Center, but there are benefits for the mother as well. Breastfeeding increases the bond between mother and child and is much more budget-friendly than purchasing formula. In addition, breastfeeding can even help you lose weight.

3 mins read

First Foods for Baby

Breast milk is the best first food for your baby, according to the National Women’s Health Information Center. Breastfeeding is widely accepted as the healthiest way to feed your baby. But when it comes to feeding your baby solid food for the first time, there are a wide range of choices, from rice cereal to mashed bananas.

3 mins read

Night Chills and Fever

Experienced parents know that sooner or later, their child will wake them up in the middle of the night with the complaint of feeling sick. Their child may have a stomachache or a fever. Fevers are a common symptom of many illnesses, and chills often accompany the fever. In fact, chills are triggered by a sudden change in the body’s temperature, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Fever and chills are most apparent at night because the body is at rest.

3 mins read

Wii Educational Games

The Wii is Nintendo’s best-selling video game console. Desirable for its kid-friendly features and ease of use, the Wii boasts a wide variety of games and activities designed for everyone from preschoolers to adults. Some games are traditional, while others are made specifically for a purpose, such as getting in shape. Others are educational in nature.