2 mins read

Caffeine Withdrawal During Pregnancy

Studies show that there is an increased risk of miscarriage if a pregnant woman consumes more than 200 mg of caffeine per day, according to “Time” magazine. For this reason, and because caffeine can affect the development of a fetus, doctors generally recommend that expectant moms avoid caffeine during the first few months of pregnancy. In women who are used to consuming a lot of caffeine, this can cause the unpleasant symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

3 mins read

Night Terrors in Children

Night terrors, a rare sleep disorder seen in children, are much more than ordinary nightmares. During a night terror, a parent is not usually able to calm the child. In fact, it is difficult to awaken a child who is suffering from night terrors. While night terrors are frightening to the parents, they do not pose a health threat to the child. Most children do not even remember the episode when they wake up the next morning.

2 mins read

Vitamin Deficiencies in Children

Vitamin deficiencies in children are a serious problem worldwide, especially in countries where it is difficult or impossible to feed a child a well-balanced diet. It’s not just third-world countries that are affected, however. Children in more than half the world’s countries suffer from a lack of vitamin A, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, a vitamin D deficiency is common for children.

2 mins read

Fish Oil Benefits for Women

Fish oil contains three essential acids — omega 3 — that have been proven to have health benefits, especially for women. Fish oil has been found to reduce the risk of developing several common health problems in women. In addition, fish oil is considered a brain food. The omega 3s increase brainpower and memory and can help prevent bone loss in women as well.

4 mins read

Teen Stress Help

Many adults say that teen years are the best years of your life, but those adults are probably looking at the past through rose-colored glasses. In reality, the teen years can be extremely stressful. No one knows this better than parents of teenagers. As a parent, the best thing you can do to help your teen is stay in close communication with her and teach her how to deal with stress.