5 mins read

Autism and the 2020 Election

Autism and the 2020 Election For me, it’s hard NOT to think about the upcoming election… it’s today! However, this is a blog about autism. So, can I connect the two? Let’s try. How am I feeling about the election? Very nervous. I have disliked the current administration and I want them voted out. I…

3 mins read

Autism and a New Pandemic Viewpoint

Autism and a New Pandemic Viewpoint “You know, during this pandemic, I get less grief about not being near people.” Who said this? My child. My son with autism. What did he mean? He meant that pre-pandemic he got “grief” from peers/people/fellow gamers, etc. about how he distanced himself. Which meant that other people had…

4 mins read

Autism and Interacting with the Police

Autism and Interacting with the Police This happened recently: https://news.yahoo.com/13-old-boy-autism-allegedly-201119829.html So, what’s a parent with a teenager on the autism spectrum supposed to think of what happened here? What do I think? First, I’m terrified. Second, I’m angry. Third, I’m confused. Why am I terrified? That could have been my child. My child does occasionally…

6 mins read

Autism and Back to School

Autism and Back to School My child with autism is a senior in high school!! In the past, this meant fun senior activities, graduation photographs, a prom, and the usual graduation ceremony. All of those things for the seniors of 2020 didn’t happen due to the coronavirus. What’s happening for my child? The first half…