1 min read

How to Get Pen Ink Off of Hands

If you have ever used a fountain pen or experienced the explosion of a ball point pen, you know the frustration of ink stains on your hands. As with Shakespeare’s Lady MacBeth, you may finding yourself wrestling with a darned stain all over your hands. And like Lady MacBeth, you may find scrubbing to be of no avail. Unlike Lady MacBeth, your cure is just one more washing away. You don’t have to live with this stain forever.

2 mins read

Ways To Use A Thimble

Believe it or not, thimbles have been around since the first century AD, long before sewing machines were a twinkle in their inventor’s eye. Ancient Roman thimble makers formed the popular pieces from bronze, ivory or sometimes whale bone. Today, thimbles are more popular as a collector’s item, but understanding how to use them is still important.

6 mins read

Effective To Do Lists

No matter the format, what you write down gets done. According to Dave Kohl, a professor emeritus at Virginia Tech., people who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as people who dont. Think about that for a moment. No matter how lofty or simple your goals may be, reaching them requires a systematic approach. And that begins by writing your to do list down; dont just think it, ink it! Note-taking and list-making styles are as personal as the way you dress or cook. Wed never suggest you ditch a an approach thats working perfectly well for you in favor of a newfangled system. But if you are dissatisfied with your own system in any way, weve got a few thoughts on how to fine tune your list so youre cruising through it more effectively and efficiently.

2 mins read

How to Decorate Kid’s Rooms to Transition From Baby to Teen

Once a baby comes into your life, the years seem to slip through your fingers like water. Before you know it, your babies are growing into children. As the children grow into teens, the time inevitably comes that their baby rooms no longer match their tastes or interests. Redecorating can be costly, however. Knowing how to decorate kid’s rooms to transition from baby to teen is an important way to prevent more redecorations in the future, thus ultimately saving money.

2 mins read

Creative Art Activities for Children

Children are natural artists, often because they are more interested in the materials and the process than they are in the results. Setting up art activities for children can be as simple as providing a variety of surfaces and materials for making projects. However, there are also some simple and creative art activities you can set up that can help kids explore different art techniques.