6 mins read

Finding a Job

Whether you are about to graduate, are returning to the work force after a break, have recently lost your job or are switching careers, you find yourself at crossroads. Finding a job is a process that most of us go through at least once and possibly several times in our lives. Why do some of us seem to be more successful at landing jobs than others? The difference can be attributed to several reasons such as the jobs seeker’s skills, line of work, the economy and, at times, even simply being at the right place at the right time. This article outlines some of the steps, methods and tips you can use in finding a job, no matter what your interest or skill level.

4 mins read

5 Ways to Plan a Teenage Party

Teen parties will be successful if you listen to you teen’s current interests and plan the party accordingly. Teens may want a co-ed party or not, and parents can determine the level of supervision. Younger teens will have different interests than their driving teen counterparts, and the teen party should be limited to guests within certain age groups. Keep the number of teens at any party to a manageable amount depending on how many adults will be there. When there are younger siblings in the family, be sure to provide separate activities so they do not feel too left out of the teen party, where an older sibling may not want a younger sibling interfering.

3 mins read

5 Ways to Keep a Job

The excitement of finally landing a job can quickly fade when you realize that job security doesn’t exist in a fluctuating economy. You can’t control cutbacks and mass layoffs and organizational restructuring. Fortunately, you can control other factors that affect whether or not you keep your job. Find out how to decrease your odds of losing the job you’ve worked so hard to land.

3 mins read

Bedroom Organization Ideas

The bedroom can be your haven, a place to unwind and relax. Unfortunately, it can also be the dumping ground for half-finished projects, smudgy art pieces with sentimental value, stacks of papers and objects that have no other home. The key to organizing the bedroom is to begin with a clean slate and then create systems and spaces for objects in transition.