8 mins read

Tips for Traveling with Your Child With Autism

Think back to your childhood summer vacations and you may be reminded of your fondest memories traveling with your family. Many children and their families have been waiting a whole year to visit relatives, go on a special trip, or take a relaxing vacation. Traveling with children can be challenging but having strategies can help make summer vacations more enjoyable, particularly if you have a child with special needs. Many families I have worked with have had negative experiences traveling and have ended up cutting their vacations short because of lack of planning. To avoid these potential frustrating summer vacations, here are some tips based on research findings and years of clinical experience with hundreds of families of children with special needs that can help make your summer vacation successful and stress free!

6 mins read

Effective To Do Lists

No matter the format, what you write down gets done. According to Dave Kohl, a professor emeritus at Virginia Tech., people who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as people who dont. Think about that for a moment. No matter how lofty or simple your goals may be, reaching them requires a systematic approach. And that begins by writing your to do list down; dont just think it, ink it! Note-taking and list-making styles are as personal as the way you dress or cook. Wed never suggest you ditch a an approach thats working perfectly well for you in favor of a newfangled system. But if you are dissatisfied with your own system in any way, weve got a few thoughts on how to fine tune your list so youre cruising through it more effectively and efficiently.