4 mins read

The Secret to Sticking With Your New Year’s Resolution

So how many of you are already thinking about New Year’s resolutions? Are you dreading the thought? Are you excited to start fresh? The unfortunate fact about resolutions is that less than half of all people who make resolutions maintain them longer than six months. The upside of this fact, however, is that just the act of creating a goal makes you ten times more likely of achieving it.

3 mins read

How to Plan for Your Best Christmas Holiday Season

Preparing in advance for the holidays may seem silly to some. However, people who are well prepared for the holidays will not have a financial blow when they are trying to purchase Christmas presents, decorations, and food at the last minute. Planning in advance can help avoid the temptation to use credit cards, or take part in a Holiday shopping frenzy. Preparing for Christmas should be done every month of the year. Here are some easy tips that you can use to help you create a fabulous Christmas.

3 mins read

How to Light the Menorah With Your Kids

The Chanukah menorah is a candelabrum with nine branches. Jewish families light the menorah each year to celebrate the Festival of Lights, symbolic of the miracle of one day’s worth of lamp oil lasting for eight days. For this reason, the holiday is observed for eight nights. Lighting the menorah each night of Chanukah is one way not only to teach children more about their Jewish heritage and spiritual traditions, but also to promote a sense of belonging that helps families grow closer.

3 mins read

Hanukkah Safety Tips

Hanukkah is a time for celebration with family. Unfortunately, it is also an occasion filled with health and safety risks, which can put a damper on holiday tradition. But despite the extra hazards present at this time of year, following some simple common sense tips can help keep you and your family safe and healthy throughout your Hanukkah festivities.