3 mins read

Skin Removal After Weight Loss Surgery

As you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate underlying fat. But in cases of extreme weight loss, such as after bariatric weight loss surgery, patients are often left with unsightly excess skin. Because of its decreased elasticity, this skin tends to hang, sag and give a body a lumpy appearance. According to Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon, this is not a problem you can correct with diet or exercise alone. Excess skin must be surgically removed.

1 min read

Herbal Treatment for Stretch Marks

Pregnancy brings a great deal of joy and excitement. Stretch marks are not an example. If your skin is stretching while your bundle of joy makes himself at home, consider an herbal treatment. Using aromatherapy, you can moisturize your skin and relieve the effects of the stretch marks. At the same time, process and aromas will help you relax so you can focus on the growing person inside you, not the stretch marks he’s kicking into your skin. Talk with your doctor before trying any herbal treatment.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks on Your Boobs

Stretch marks, those inevitable badges of motherhood, may not seem like an honor when you see lurid pink, purple and red striations coursing from the dcolletage of your low-cut couture. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), 90 percent of expectant women get stretch marks during the sixth and seventh months of pregnancy, not only on the breasts, but the abdomen and thighs, too. Stretch marks are tough scar types to treat, says dermatologist Eric F. Bernstein, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. The rapid expansion of your skin, coupled with excessive levels of the hormone cortisone released during pregnancy, weakens the skin’s elastin fibers. Breathing new life back into damaged elastin is next to impossible. Before you resort to medical treatments to make a serious dent on the troublesome areas that have made a dent on you, try less expensive ways to get rid of your stretch marks.

2 mins read

The Top Stretch Mark Creams

Stretch mark creams are designed to prevent or reduce the appearance of stretch marks or striae. Stretch marks are tears in the dermis, or middle layer of the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. They initially appear as rough, red or purple lines and eventually fade to silvery white. Any rapid weight gain, including pregnancy, may cause stretch marks, particularly on the belly, breasts, thighs and hips.

3 mins read

At-Home Laser Hair Removal

It’s pretty embarrassing when you think you have gotten every area after shaving your legs, only to get out in the sunlight to discover you didn’t. It’s even worse when you are in a rush to get your little ones to the pool and you notice after removing your cover-up that you missed another area. You may have considered laser hair removal but decided against it because of the expense. One solution is to try an at-home laser hair removal device. Another benefit is that your husband or significant other may get some use out of it, too.