2 mins read

How to Protect Your Family from the Swine Flu

Swine flu, a strain of the virus that commonly infects pigs, passed to people in 2009. That strain, now known as 2009H1N1, caused a global pandemic throughout 2009. The pandemic expired in August of 2010; however, because the virus is still floating around, you should take steps to protect your family from 2009H1N1 and other active strains of the influenza virus. While you’re protecting your family, make sure you protect others, too. If you or your children have any flulike symptoms, stay home from work or school until the symptoms disappear and consult your health care professional.

3 mins read

Normal Blood Pressure Levels in Children

When you take your child to the doctor for a yearly checkup, the nurse or doctor will usually take his blood pressure. While blood pressure is usually measured the same way for both children and adults, children should have much lower levels than the average adult. A child’s blood pressure is considered to be normal based on how it compares to similar children his age, sex and height.

3 mins read

Causes & Treatments for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a curve in the spine. You can usually spot scoliosis in a child by looking at her spine closely from several angles. Since the condition commonly affects children right before they hit puberty, your child’s school may offer yearly screenings during middle school or her doctor may examine her spine. The condition straightens out on its own with time, or your child may need varying degrees of treatment.

3 mins read

Pap Smears & HPV

A visit to the gynecologist for a Pap smear may not be the most fun thing in the world, but it is something that can save your life. During a Pap smear, your doctor takes a sample of cells from your cervix, which is located at the end of the uterus. He then tests the cells, looking for abnormalities.

3 mins read

Preventative Health Information for Kids

Preventative health care aims to keep kids healthy by monitoring their growth and development and prevent diseases. This type of health care works to diagnose health conditions in the early stages so they may be addressed before becoming severe. Preventative health care may help kids stay healthier into adulthood and establish a good pattern of self care.