2 mins read

Night Sweats During Pregnancy

Most new mothers know that they will not get much sleep due to the needs of a newborn, but sleep problems can start even before the baby is born. Pregnant woman may have a hard time getting comfortable at night, or may need to get up to use the bathroom several times in one evening. Many expectant mothers also suffer from night sweats during the duration of their pregnancies.

3 mins read

Toddler Hair Growth

Some babies are born with luscious locks, while others are born without much hair, if any. Many mothers of bald babies long for the day when they can pick up a brush rather than plunk a hat on their baby’s head. They may have to wait quite a while — some babies remain relatively thin on top until well into their toddler months.

3 mins read

Does Pregnancy Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?

Several pregnancy symptoms do indeed mimic flu symptoms, especially early in the first trimester. In fact, your first signs of pregnancy may be feelings of the never-ending flu. Flu symptoms should not last more than a couple of weeks. If you have these symptoms and there is a chance you could be pregnant, consider taking a pregnancy test to be sure.

3 mins read

Can I Get Pregnant While Not Ovulating?

All the baby books tell you to have sex when you’re ovulating. That’s the basis of conception. One sperm fertilizing one egg means you’re parents. Following that logic, it makes sense that if you’re not ovulating, you won’t get pregnant. That logic, however, fails to take into account the longevity of sperm and the sometimes fickle nature of a woman’s reproductive cycle.