2 mins read

Natural Cures for Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is a common ailment. Constipation can be particularly severe in the first trimester. As this is when baby is most vulnerable to outside influences, most medications are out of the question. Luckily, there are several natural cures for constipation during pregnancy that are both safe and effective. These small changes can make big improvements in your comfort.

3 mins read

Pregnancy Development Second Trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy begins in the thirteenth week of pregnancy and ends at the beginning of week 28. This is often a woman’s favorite trimester of her pregnancy as the morning sickness often subsides, the belly begins to swell and a new rush of energy is experienced. Pregnancy development in the second trimester is a big time for both mother and baby.

3 mins read

About the Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins

When a doctor diagnoses a pregnancy, one of the first things she will do is prescribe a prenatal vitamin. While most vitamins and minerals are best received through good nutrition, it is not always possible to get everything a growing baby needs from food alone. However, some women dislike taking prenatal vitamins for various reasons. Whether considering taking a prenatal vitamin or discontinuing use, it is important to fully understand the benefits of prenatal vitamins for both you and your baby.

3 mins read

Pregnancy Exercises for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common complaints of every pregnant woman. There are a variety of reasons why the back hurts during pregnancy, but weak support muscles are usually the immediate culprit. Toning and strengthening muscles as well as maintaining good posture and exercising will help strengthen the back muscles and lessen the pain felt during pregnancy.