3 mins read

22 Weeks Pregnancy Development

Things are really starting to get exciting in Week 22 of your pregnancy. Hopefully you’ve moved beyond any initial morning sickness and your appetite has kicked into high gear. Have you woken up in the wee hours feeling completely starved? Making a baby is serious business, so don’t even think about dieting. Eat when you’re hungry, and try to make healthy food choices. But let’s be honest, pregnancy is the one time you can eat anything you like and not have to justify the jelly donut or daily ice-cream ritual.

2 mins read

Signs & Symptoms of the Third Week of Pregnancy

In the third week of pregnancy, most women don’t yet know they are pregnant. It’s too early to have missed a period, and most pregnancy tests won’t produce a positive result this soon. There are some signs to watch for, however; though some women won’t experience these until later in pregnancy, others may notice these symptoms very early on.

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Is Bad Back Pain a Sign of Pregnancy?

Many women do experience back pain during their pregnancy, but it is not typically an early sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman. Other explanations for bad back pain could be stress, impending menstruation or physical strain. The only way to be sure that the back pain you are feeling is a sign that you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or visit your doctor.

2 mins read

The First Signs of Pregnancy

If you sense that you may be pregnant, the wait to test can be agonizing. Testing for pregnancy multiple times can also be costly, so getting it right the first time can be important for those on a budget. Luckily, there are several signs of pregnancy that are present well before your belly begins to swell. If several of these first signs of pregnancy are present, it may be a good time to take that pregnancy test.