4 mins read

5 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview

The first hurdle is past–you’ve got the job interview scheduled. The next hurdle is the job interview itself. This is your chance to show a potential employer that you’re the best candidate for the job. Although that prospect can be nerve-racking, remember that this is also your chance to decide if the job is right for you. Preparing yourself for the interview using these tips will help you present your best face to the hiring committee come zero hour.

5 mins read

Ways to Organize a Baby Closet

Babies inevitably come with a lot of stuff. From the first day you announced your pregnancy, through the baby shower, baby’s birth and baby’s first birthday you will receive more baby clothes and accessories than you ever imagined. The key to letting all of these cute onesies and outfits overwhelm you is to organize them as you put them away in baby’s closet. Use the closet as you have it now, without removing any existing clothes bar. Eventually, the baby closet will become the closet of a child and later a teen, if you do not plan on moving, and the child will need that closet bar. There is no need to install a special baby clothing bar since the bottom half of the closet can be organized in a better way. During the toddler and preschool years consider adding a low clothes bar for the child who is learning to self-dress.

3 mins read

Low-Fat Diet for Children

Helping your child eat properly can be a daunting task. But with obesity rates for children off the charts, it is one parent “to-do” you cannot ignore. The early onset of obesity-related disease like diabetes and high blood pressure are enough to scare any parent. Here are the Top 10 Tips for creating a low-fat diet for your children.