4 mins read

Why Our Daughters Need To Play More Video Games

Girls today are steering away from math, science and computers in record numbers.According to the U.S. Department of Education, the percentage of women graduates in computer science is at a 39-year low. In 2012, women in the U.S. earned only 19% of all math and computer science degrees (compared to 37% 20 years ago) and made up less than 25% of the workers in engineering and computer-related fields. Fewer than 10 percent …

2 mins read

My Holiday Shopping List

It’s getting close to Christmas and I’m behind on my shopping. I missed all the Black Friday Christmas sales for one reason or another and now I’m scrambling to find presents for my family.This year I’m taking a different tactic. I’m focusing on the 3 C’s of Christmas which are communication, creativity and collaboration. Yup, I’m only buying gifts that fit into these categories. Lofty, perhaps…but …

3 mins read

Fun Obsessions with Kids With Autism

Long ago, I accepted that my son gets obsessive. My oldest brother learned this about my son on a recent visit. He came out to California from North Carolina with his wife and daughter. One day, I played tour guide and I took them around to many of the Hollywood/Los Angeles touristy sights. Along the way, my brother and his daughter, sitting in the back with my son, introduced a car game they play …

4 mins read

Children With Autism: Crossing The Line

Sometimes my autistic son amazes me. How does he go from a special needs-type of situation to a situation with typical kids? Is he really this flexible? How are other kids at going back and forth between two worlds? How can you help your kids navigate between special needs groups/classes/experiences to more typical experiences?My son is in an inclusion class with only typical kids. He can go from a physical education class …