2 mins read

Why Vegetarian Diets Are Healthy

In the United States, fewer than 5 percent of people eat vegetarian diets. However, this number may rise as more research is compiled and doctors begin to prescribe vegetarian diets as a way to boost health. It’s being shown that vegetarian diets are healthy because they limit the occurrences of common, painful and deadly diseases and conditions.

2 mins read

The First Signs of Pregnancy

If you sense that you may be pregnant, the wait to test can be agonizing. Testing for pregnancy multiple times can also be costly, so getting it right the first time can be important for those on a budget. Luckily, there are several signs of pregnancy that are present well before your belly begins to swell. If several of these first signs of pregnancy are present, it may be a good time to take that pregnancy test.

3 mins read

Healthy Hair Tips for Women

Healthy hair is a sign of youth, fertility and overall health. It is no wonder that women spend so much time making their hair look just right. However, no matter what style, no matter what color your hair; if your hair is not healthy you are not making the most of it. These healthy hair tips for women will help to put the strength, shine and moisture back into any dry and brittle locks.

4 mins read

Tips on Putting a Baby to Sleep

To “sleep like a baby” is probably one of the most commonly used misleading phrases. Newborns sleep for about 18 hours a day. But, if you are a new parent, you probably wouldn’t believe it. Putting a baby to sleep is among the toughest tasks new parents face. Various factors contribute to this problem including environment, sleep schedule, physical and mental stimulation, even the type and amount of nutrition. Although life with a baby is unpredictable, especially when it comes to sleep patterns and schedules, there are techniques that could help.

3 mins read

Learning Games for Toddlers

Toddlers learn through active exploration and play in their daily lives. Many traditional childhood games provide opportunities for toddlers to practice their growing physical and cognitive skills. Learning games for toddlers are often simple and use items found in most homes. Sorting, counting, memory and large motor skills are common themes for learning games for toddlers.