2 mins read

Baby Gum Disease

Your baby’s oral hygiene is an important factor in his overall health. Even though your baby may just be starting to get his first set of teeth, good oral hygiene can help reduce an excess of bacteria that leads to the development of gingivitis and periodontitis. Left untreated, gum diseases can cause tooth loss in both adults and children.

2 mins read

Cosmetic Dentistry for Children

While a temporary gap-toothed smile is an adorable part of growing up, some children possess dental deficiencies that will not go away without medical treatment. If your child’s smile could use a little repair, cosmetic dentistry may be a good choice. The practice of performing cosmetic dentistry on children, something that was once quite rare, is becoming increasingly common.

3 mins read

Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

When you flip through a women’s magazine, it seems as if every advertiser wants you to believe that you’re naturally unsanityar unless you are properly perfumed and doused in various soaps and lotions. The opposite is usually true, though: Too much perfume and soap can actually cause damage to your skin, vaginal area and hair.

3 mins read

Preventative Health Information for Kids

Preventative health care aims to keep kids healthy by monitoring their growth and development and prevent diseases. This type of health care works to diagnose health conditions in the early stages so they may be addressed before becoming severe. Preventative health care may help kids stay healthier into adulthood and establish a good pattern of self care.