5 mins read

Leaving a Marriage

Leaving a marriage is a huge step and means admitting to yourself that the relationship just isn’t going to work. For many people, just the idea of leaving can be daunting, let alone the mechanics of it. Before you leave your marriage, it’s important to make sure you’ve evaluated the situation to be certain it’s what you need to do, come up with an exit plan and have some idea how you will break the news.

3 mins read

How to Find Children Needing Adoption

Children are placed for adoption for a number of reasons. Birth parents may find themselves in a situation where they are unable to properly care for a baby. Other children are placed into the foster care system due to abuse and neglect; some are later put up for adoption. Individuals and couples wishing to adopt can work with an adoption agency to help locate children. However, there are additional ways to find those in need of adoption.

4 mins read

Who Can Adopt Kids?

In the past, preference was give to young, heterosexual couples wishing to adopt children. But as more children in need of a stable parental unit continue to flood the foster care system and adoption agencies scramble to place them in good homes, the parameters for what federal and state laws deem to be “parent worthy” have expanded. While some agencies continue to be strict with who they allow to adopt, others welcome older couples, single parents, gay men and women, those serving in the military and people with disabilities.

3 mins read

How Does Adoption Affect Children?

In the past, adoption was often a hidden thing. Today, with society’s changing viewpoint towards adoption, that stigma is being erased. However, this doesn’t ease all the concerns an adoptive child might face, such as questions of heritage or the circumstances surrounding their birth. Whatever the situation, the positive impact of adoption outweighs these issues by offering children a stable, loving, “forever family.”