7 mins read

Teach Your Autistic Children Well

Buckle up, a rant is coming. Are we responsible for teaching basic manners to our kids? YES! Heres the deal, even though your child has autism, you shouldnt necessarily get a free pass when it comes to basic parenting. Just because your child has autism, does that mean you dont have to teach your child how to be polite? Here are some examples I have recently observed: 1. A mom comes into …

6 mins read

Children With Special Needs: Handling the Loss of a Service

Our child will lose a service at the end of February. We are mourning this upcoming loss. I am especially upset by it, not only because my child is losing the structured opportunity to play with a child who has become his friend over the last two years, but also by the way it all came about. The facility notified me in November that my child’s funding had lapsed. To my astonishment, my child had been on a 30 day contract during that month.