4 mins read

Keeping Heart Healthy

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. Yet most people picture middle-aged men when they hear about heart disease. While some risk factors for heart disease cannot be changed, simple lifestyle changes will allow a woman to keep her heart healthy. A healthy heart is only one benefit women will experience by making healthy lifestyle choices. A lower risk of other health conditions and lower numbers on the scale may also result from these changes.

4 mins read

Tips on Putting a Baby to Sleep

To “sleep like a baby” is probably one of the most commonly used misleading phrases. Newborns sleep for about 18 hours a day. But, if you are a new parent, you probably wouldn’t believe it. Putting a baby to sleep is among the toughest tasks new parents face. Various factors contribute to this problem including environment, sleep schedule, physical and mental stimulation, even the type and amount of nutrition. Although life with a baby is unpredictable, especially when it comes to sleep patterns and schedules, there are techniques that could help.

2 mins read

Healthy Diet for Beautiful Skin

While genetics and environmental conditions are powerful determinants in the skin’s condition and appearance, a proper diet can give the skin a healthy glow. It can be challenging to maintain a balanced diet that delivers all the nutrients for a healthy body and complexion. Integrating a few key foods into your weekly menu, and see if you notice the results in your skin’s tone, texture and moisture content. Establish or maintain a daily sunscreen habit to maximize your skin’s healthy and beauty.

4 mins read

About the Physical Development of Infants

Infants grow so quickly during the first year of life. An infant’s physical development will depend on a variety of factors including, genetics and nutrition. Growth and development will likely happen in bursts throughout the first year. All infants develop at their own rate. If you are worried that your baby is not developing properly, talk with your pediatrician.

8 mins read

Katie and Nicole: A Look at Pregnancy in Your Twenties vs. Your Forties, Part One

The personal histories of Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes are forever linked–Nicole was once Mrs. Tom Cruise; Katie now holds that title. But these two members of Hollywood royalty have taken very different paths to building their families. Nicole, who has two adopted children, Connor and Isabella, is giving birth for the first time at 40, while Katie had her daughter Suri when she was age 27.