1 min read

How to Teach Kids to Cook

Kids love to feel like they’re helping out, and teaching them how to cook is a great way to make them feel important while instilling a life skill. According to Doug Hewitt, author of “The Practical Guide to Weekend Parenting,” this is also a perfect setting to teach about failure and how to handle it, because there’s nothing that deflates an ego quite like a cake that doesn’t rise or a scorched omelet. By showing your kids that even mom isn’t perfect, you can instill in them the willingness to try new things without fear.

3 mins read

About Adoption Records

For birth parents and adoptive parents, adoption is one of the most loving things to do. In traditional adoptions, there are laws in place to protect the identity of all those involved. There is certain information given to the adoptive parents; however, there are times when more information is needed, such as in medical situations. There are also times when either the adoptive person or the biological family wishes to seek contact with the other. Each state has laws in place to address these situations.

2 mins read

Summer Family Fun Ideas

Summer is the perfect time for family fun. The kids are out of school, the weather is gorgeous and the days seem to last forever. According to Doug Hewitt, author of “The Practical Guide to Weekend Parenting,” summer activities give families the chance to bond without the day-to-day bustle of busy schedules. Planned or spontaneous, set aside a few hours or a few days and have some summer fun with your family.

3 mins read

10 Ways to Show Someone How Much You Love Them

The difficulty people have in expressing love is painted amusingly in “The Fiddler On the Roof,” the classic musical set in pre-World War I Russia. When Tevye whimsically asks his wife, “Do you love me?” Golde replies, exasperated, that she’s washed his clothes, cleaned up after him, cooked for him, lived with him and fought with him for 25 years–and if that isn’t love, what is? In the century since, relationships have changed substantially, but love is still about giving and taking and sharing. Here are 10 ways to show someone how much you love them.

4 mins read

Diet Recipes for Kids

Some parents take the eating habits of their children for granted due to lack of time and thinking that their kids are still young so they can eat whatever they want. This philosophy is one of the reasons why more and more kids become obese at an early age, making it harder for them to lose weight as time goes by. It is important for children to start eating healthfully at a young age in order for them to develop a healthy eating habit that they can follow as they grow older.