3 mins read

Choosing a Birth Control Pill

In the 1960s and 1970s when birth control pills were first available as a contraceptive option, choosing one wasn’t tough. There was one type of pill, with one hormone, one level of that hormone and, unfortunately, a whole lot of side effects. Since then, as the pill and its hormone levels have been refined, choosing a birth control pill has become a little more complicated. There are a number of types and brands to choose from, all of which have different benefits depending on your particular health and contraceptive needs.

3 mins read

What Vitamins Decrease Sexual Desire?

There is no definitive list of vitamins that decrease sexual desire. Although one natural supplement may decrease sexual desire, lifestyle changes and prescription drugs, not vitamins, are commonly linked to decreasing desire. Everyday occurrences including stress, dealing with children, boredom and low self-esteem can hurt a person’s sex drive. Much research has been done on which vitamins improve sexual desire, but there doesn’t seem to be a high demand for vitamins that decrease sexuality. If you’re looking for vitamins that decrease sexual desire, you’re best off talking to your health care practitioner. Ask her about taking herbal supplements, prescription medications or making lifestyle changes. Sexual desire is rather elusive, especially for women, and highly individualized.

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Medical Benefits of Meditation

Meditation, the art of tuning the mind out of normal, conscious thought and into a relaxed state of awareness, is becoming increasingly popular in Western culture, and it’s about time. Meditation has been an integral part of Eastern life and religion for centuries. Health professionals report that people who make meditation a regular part of their lives experience a wide range of neurological, emotional, cardiovascular and immune system benefits. Specific types of meditation have also been identified as being particularly healthful for pregnant women.

3 mins read

Pregnancy First Trimester Cramping

The first trimester of pregnancy creates many new sensations. A pregnant woman may experience a range of physical symptoms. Cramping is often a symptom experienced during the first trimester. While cramping can be normal, some cramping may be cause for concern. Any sensations that cause concern should be mentioned to your obstetrician for further analysis.

2 mins read

Forms of Treatment for Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can be very helpful for a marriage, even one that might be described as doing just fine. That’s because there are often issues that exist beneath the surface, and couples therapy can help the partners identify those issues and learn how to deal with them in a positive way rather than allowing them to create tension and strife in the relationship. Here are some of the treatments commonly used in couples therapy.