4 mins read

Ready, Set, Selfie: Should We Be Concerned About Our Kids On Social Media?

Think your child is only on Facebook and is probably aware of the dangers? Think againand again, and again, and again. Your tweens and teens are on many social media sites, and chances are its not even Facebook. Most parents know about Facebook; heck, most parents are on Facebook. What parents dont know about are the countless other social media experiences their children have on a daily basis. The myriad of bizarre …

8 mins read

What Are The Odds?

Im not what youd call a betting woman, but even I understand odds. Take a girl raised by a single dad. That girls mom struggles with addiction and is in and out of her life. That girl gets pregnant at a young age and the father of her child dies, leaving her on her own, surviving with government assistance. Even I know the odds are stacked against that girl. And yet Possibility …