6 mins read

Autism and Public Restrooms

At what age is it appropriate for a child to use a public bathroom by themselves? This question is steered toward a child with special needs. I only have one child and that child has autism. I've never raised a typical child, so I'll stick with what I know. I'm also directing this question toward…

2 mins read

It Takes A Village

Single mom. That's me. There are many more of us now, it seems. Since Day One, my life as a mother has been pre-defined by these two words that carry a mixed review in the general populace, even in today's modern world. Honestly though, some days I'm grateful for the simplicity of parenting when it's…

15 mins read

Changed By A Child

It has only taken me thirteen years to write anything about our story. I can honestly say that I have perseverated about it endlessly, even thought about writing a book but I was always afraid I would end up like Jack Nicholson’s character on the “Shining,” you know, the one that locks himself in a…