3 mins read

Checklist for a First Aid Kit

When an emergency arises, you can never be too prepared. Having a well-stocked first aid kit can prevent tragedy and buy time when a loved one is injured. The following checklist includes all of the items that the Homeland Security’s Ready America program suggests for a first aid kit. Best of all, these items are readily available at any drug store or large retailer. 1. Adhesive Bandages

1 min read

Side Effects of Soy Infant Formula

Many babies have a difficult time tolerating dairy-based formulas. Soy infant formula is the usual alternative; however, research has shown some problems and concerns with high consumption of soy products. Soy formula should not be the first choice for infant feeding and you should consult your pediatrician for formula recommendations. Some babies, however, cannot tolerate dairy proteins and will require a soy-based formula. What are the possible side effects of soy infant formula and should you be concerned?

4 mins read

Keeping Heart Healthy

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. Yet most people picture middle-aged men when they hear about heart disease. While some risk factors for heart disease cannot be changed, simple lifestyle changes will allow a woman to keep her heart healthy. A healthy heart is only one benefit women will experience by making healthy lifestyle choices. A lower risk of other health conditions and lower numbers on the scale may also result from these changes.